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yaca es rico en energía, fibra dietética, minerales y vitaminas. Es una fuente saludable de nutrientes esenciales, que incluyen vitamina C, potasio y fibra dietética.


SKU: 366615376135191
1 Libra
  • The large and variously shaped fruit have a length of 30 to 100 cm (10 to 40 inches) and a diameter of 15 to 50 cm (6 to 20 inches) and can weigh 10–25 kg (22–55 pounds) or more.


    The total weight of each box varies depending on the size, shape, and mass of the fruit: 

    • Large Box contains up to 8-10 pounds
    • Extra Large Box contains up to 16-20 pounds
    • Bulk Box contains up to 34-40 pounds 
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